This EA is for MT4, Metatrader 4 platform.
I try to look for some EA that really porfitable. Here I have found the most profitable one. And You can download it for FREE. I put also the bacttest I have done for this month.
The best is at GBPUSD strarted from $100 into $2164.95 only 24 days and the Drawdown only 34 %
and EURUSD, it started from $100 into $845.11 only 24 days and the Drawdown only 28 %.
Here are the details. (I Put the complete result in winzip file with the EA).
GBPUSD Result.
If this EA sold maybe will be around $599 or even more than $1000. Here I give it to you for Free. So, please help me to do some little task to complete before you can download it. Thank you very much.
Download Link CLICK HERE.
APA Maksudnya INI?? ikuti semuanya ga ada habis2nya ga jelas ujungnya...shittt